Monday, January 12, 2009

Safari Book collection info- why some books disappear!

You'll probably see some questions about why certain books are not available on Safari when they were available a few weeks ago. If the book in question is a 2006 publication, then it fell off our subscription on Jan. 1st. (our subscription is for the most recent 3 years only, which is now 2007, 2008, and 2009-- even though there's hardly anything available for 2009 yet...). Since O'Reilly books are only available online through Safari, there isn't anyplace else where we can get an electronic copy. The person can request a print copy through the regular book purchase request form or ILL. I've asked cataloging to remove 2006 Safari records from the catalog, so people shouldn't be finding them that way. Let me know if there are any other issues/questions about Safari. Linda.

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