Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Use "Explore by Subject" to find U.S. Department of Energy technical literature -Video shows how!

The SciTech Connect database consolidates all the engineering research document information from the U.S. Department of Energy technical literature databases. This short video shows how to use the new Explore by Subject feature for when you want to browse instead of search:

Monday, May 19, 2014

DOE Releases new National Library of Energy database (NLE beta)

This has also been posted to the Engineering Library blog and added to the Database list on our website/

The Department of Energy (DOE) National Library of Energy(NLE) Beta is a virtual library and open government resource to advance energy literacy, innovation and security. The NLEBeta is a new search tool designed to make it easier for American citizens to find and access information from across the DOE complex nationwide, without knowing DOE's organizational structure. The NLEBeta virtually integrates information from (the DOE website) and all DOE program offices, national laboratories and other facilities (see a list of all NLEBeta information sources)[PDF]. The public version of the NLEBeta includes only publicly available, unclassified, unlimited information.