Thursday, November 29, 2007

Nice explanation of the function/usage of ASME standards

I was looking for something to explain to a non-engineering student how standards work and stumbled on this great doc on the ASME site. Introduction to ASME codes and standards Anyhow, I thought it might be useful to someone. :) Sarah

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Library Game- sharpen your librarian skills! Click on Hint for how to play-

RefWorks from IEEE Xplore

IEEE just enabled downloading in RefWorks format from their IEEE Xplore database. I let the faculty and students in EE, CSE, and TC know-- so there might be some questions at the reference desk about it. It's not the most obvious thing to import into RefWorks, so I put instructions below. Thanks! -Linda ---- Original Message ----- Great news! Citations from IEEE Xplore are now importable into RefWorks, an online citation management tool (if you don't have a RefWorks account yet, you can set one up at (please note-- you'll need to be on campus or logged into the UW Libraries' Proxy Server to access RefWorks). To import citations from IEEE Xplore ( 1. Click on the "AbstractPlus" view for the citation you wish to save. 2. Under "Download this Citation," choose "Citation" or "Citation & Abstract" from the Choose drop-down menu, and "RefWorks" from the Download drop-down menu, then click the Download button. 3. Your citation will be saved as a file with a .jsp extension. 4. Log in to RefWorks ( 5. Select References/Import from the toolbar. 6. Select "RIS Format" as the Import Filter/Data Source and "IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL)" as the database. 7. Browse to find the text file saved to your computer. 8. Click Import -- your reference(s) will be in the "Last Imported" folder.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Auxiliary Stacks Requests

Just in case you haven't run into this, I found out yesterday that the Auxiliary Stacks Mediated Request form is down for a while. When I called circulation about it, their suggestions were to: -First try to get the patron to place a hold themselves through the catalog if that is possible. -If not, if they have a borrower's card, circulation can place a hold through Millenium. -And if all else fails, ask a circulation manager to email the hold in or call in to Suzzallo circulation. The timeline for getting the form up again was unknown when I called.