Thursday, December 28, 2006

Reference shelves are comin' down

The workers are on a break right now, so the pounding in my brain has subsided. The shelves are about 1/2 gone and most of the books are off too. It's weird to have the workers right here behind us at the desk, but it's also interesting to see them in action. They really just work and talk to each other about the job. I guess in my mind I was hoping for some chain gang songs or something. Mel says the banging will actually get louder when they put in the new stuff. It seems to me it couldn't be much louder, but I guess it's the concrete drilling that will really put the noise over the edge. I can hardly wait!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Another engineering blog

The Virginia Commonwealth University has an interesting blog for engineering and sciences students called Librarycasting SE. They provide screencast and podcast tutorials, workshop announcements, along with other topical content.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays everyone- I will be back in the office on January 8. Starting that week I'll be working Mon-Thurs.,thus adding Wed. to my schedule. Everyone have a safe and relaxing holiday- see you in '07!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Keep the E.P.A. Libraries Open-

A letter to the editor of the NYT by Leslie Burger, ALA pres. presenting a good argument against dismantling the regional network of E.P.A. libraries:

Ready Reference -> Reference

Destinee and I changed the blue ready reference stickers to regular yellow reference stickers today. And we have blue fingers! Mel found out that they were going to redo the shelving on the first floor sooner than we thought. So, I began moving them into the reference collection, but there is still one section left. (I put the red LC subject headings books in the small collection at the reference desk.) The call numbers have not been changed in the catalog yet, so we'll just refer patrons to the reference collection until then.

Shelving work continues....

The workers are back today. I saw them unloading the new end panels from the truck this morning and wow are they spiffy! It's a whole new world of shelving on the 2nd floor!

New Template

I decided I didn't like the old "look" for the blog so I've changed the template. Let me know what you think.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Another acquisition in the database world

CSA (CIG) acquires ProQuest: read the Press Release.


This is the first post on the brand spanking new blog for the Engineering Reference Desk. I am hoping that we can all use this blog to communicate items of interest to all of us; little things like out of order pcs or printers to more important policy or staff notices. We can also share information about library and engineering stuff in general. I have also added some feeds from other library and science librarian blogs. Check out the most recent items posted on those blogs. Comment or add your own post- let's give it a try and see if it works for us.