Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Scanner PC

Has anyone else heard complaints about the scanner/microfilm computer? Apparently, it's extremely slow in both running the Adobe program and browsing the Internet (so slow as to to cause people to just leave in the middle of trying to scan). A patron suggested we try defragmenting the hard drive (actually, she first suggested we just get a new computer), but there's probably nothing we can do besides maybe putting a sign on the bulletin board that says something like, "Patience is a virtue."


Jules said...

I'm asking ITS for a replacement computer. They recently inherited some of the older Access+ machines, so perhaps we can get one of those. It certainly couldn't be any older than what we have now!

Jules said...

Well, I don't believe how fast this happened. But we now have 1G of memory in the engscan pc! ITS sent someone over to add it just now. Considering it technically is up to us to order and install the memory for this pc (it's not 'really' a Libraries supported pc) this worked out just great!

Destinee said...

Amazing. Thanks, Julie!