Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Machines to add funds have been installed, copier software updated...

The new Husky & Dawg-Prints Cards add-value station is now installed and operational in the Allen lobby, adjacent to the two print stations. This devise allows users to add value in any dollar denomination (bills only) to their Husky and Dawg-Prints Cards. It will also dispense Dawg-Prints Cards in any dollar denomination. The other 2 Dawg-Prints Cards dispensers in the building (the one in the Allen lobby and the one on Allen north 3rd floor, will be removed in the near future and reinstalled in branches that currently do not have dispensers. I will be updating both Info Index and public Web pages regarding this later this morning. Be aware that after the end of this month, OUGL Copy Center will no longer be able to add-value to Husky Cards. I will go ahead and remove OUGL Copy Center from the above-mentioned Web pages, though they will be able to continue adding value through the month of August. Since I last emailed you all, there have been great strides made in correcting many of the problems we had been seeing with the Pharos networking software. There have been 5 new versions of the software since August 17th, each one of which has demonstrably improved the performance. There are still some issues with the copiers that are connected to the network via wireless routers. There will be a solution of the wireless problems before the beginning of Fall term. Pharos is still working on creating a 100% functional software, and they still have until August 30 to get close enough to the goal as to be seamless to the largest percentage of our users. At this point, we no longer anticipate the need to roll out 'plan B' articulated in my last email. Some of the unresolved issues are: 1) Occasional need to 'restart' when there is no green light on the swipe. (This was reported to Pharos last week.) 2) Copy-ratio still only seems to offer a fixed number of reduction/enlargement options. It is, in fact, possible for users to key in any reduction or enlargement ratio they desire; it just is not evident that this is possible. 3) 2-sided copying is still not working off the glass (it does work on copiers with document feeders). 4) The 3 color copiers do not have many of the 'special features' available. All the above are currently being worked on by Pharos. I suspect numbers 1 & 2 to be fixed very soon. Numbers 3 & 4 will likely take longer. We hope to have them in place by the beginning of Fall term, but they are more complicated and require Pharos acquiring more proprietary code from Canon to do so. This will happen, but takes more negotiating between the 2 vendors. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adam C. Hall Manager of Operations Reference & Research Services Room 140 Suzzallo Library 206.685.2799

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